Why choose to partner Dakco?
The most important question in our mind is – “What can we do, to support you better?”
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Marketing Yours
We believe in the power of collaboration. Depending on your ability in your market territory, we equip you with great advantages such as exclusive distributor authorization, or even exclusively designed products.
Fast Delivery
With adequate inventory and professional freight service, we are committed to the fastest delivery. If you are in the US, we can support you with immediate delivery from local facility.
Lower TCO
We don’t aim to offer the lowest purchase price, but we aim to minimize your total cost of ownership. With full experience and extensive expertise, we know how to achieve it.
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We would love to hear from you.

Need good-quality LED displays for your projects? Interested in becoming one of our distributors? In need of technical supports to better serve the customers? Want to learn more about our products & services? Please hesitate no more and contact Dakco via the link below!

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