With modular design and proper unit size, we make our led displays easy to handle and install. Depending on your architectural and structural conditions, we supply suitable mounting brackets & accessories, and provide full set of shop drawings, power & signal connection diagrams etc.
Our goal is the easy service even at beginner’s end. The intuitive product design makes the troubleshoot done in minutes. Each our led display comes with sufficient spare parts, and most services are just simple parts replacements.
We Provide Professional Training

We provide professional on-site, in-factory, and remote trainings. 

With our comprehensive training program covering aspects of led display basic knowledges, production processes, led display installation, operation, maintenance, and repair (depending on customers’ tech & skill level), you will be the expert in your market. 

Thank you! We will be in touch asap! Have a great day.
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We would love to hear from you.

Need good-quality LED displays for your projects? Interested in becoming one of our distributors? In need of technical supports to better serve the customers? Want to learn more about our products & services? Please hesitate no more and contact Dakco via the link below!

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